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Man told landlord he would rob a bank to pay rent, arrest report says


According to Las Vegas police, a man allegedly told his landlord that he would rob a bank to pay his rent. Days later, the man was arrested and charged with robbing a Wells Fargo at 3800 Howard Hughes Parkway, near Sands Avenue and Paradise Road.

The robbery happened on January 10 around 12:12 p.m. An arrest report alleges that Ronald Dufloth passed along a note to the teller demanding cash, and presented an item that appeared to be an explosive device. He got away with just over $500.

Police obtained surveillance video of the robbery, and their investigation eventually led to them to speak with Dufloth's landlord. According to the arrest report, the landlord talked to Dufloth about his rent being late on Jan. 8. Dufloth mentioned that he'd rob a bank to get the money, and the landlord told him it was a dumb idea. 

Dufloth was taken into custody on Jan. 11 and is facing robbery and burglary charges. Police say Dufloth is a 10-times registered felon and was previously found guilty of robbery in the past.