Local NewsCrime


Fugitive accused of fatally punching 74-year-old man


The District Attorney's Office is asking for your help finding a fugitive who police say sucker punched a 74-year-old man, killing him.

Antoine Evans was charged with 2nd-degree murder in the death of 74-year-old Roy Wilson. District Attorney Steve Wolfson said the two were fighting each other when Evans punched Wilson, which caused Wilson to hit his head.

The incident happened in September 2015. Evans was initially charged with battery, but that changed after he remained in a coma for eight months.

"Once Mr. Wilson passed away it elevated to murder," Wolfson explained. "More witnesses came forward, and the case was developed."

That included an apparent motive that involved jealousy over a woman.

"I don't want to say a love triangle, but there was a woman involved, and that's what people think is the reason Mr. Evans punched Mr. Wilson," said Wolfson.

If you have information on the whereabouts of Antoine Evans, call Crime Stoppers at 702-385-5555. You don't have to give your name, and you could be eligible for a cash reward.