A woman is heartbroken after her beloved Chihuahua was killed by a coyote near her mobile home near Twain Avenue and Nellis Boulevard.
Sandra Scott says her 18-year-old senior Chihuahua Chico was her best friend.
"We slept together, we ate together, I miss him so much," she says.
She says last Tuesday Chico woke her up like he usually does. Around 2:30 a.m., she let him outside to go for a walk. She says she went back inside for only a minute to go put her shoes, but in that short time, she came back out and Chico was gone.
It wasn't until that morning when the sun came out, they discovered Chico dead a few blocks away. Turns out a coyote had also killed a neighbor's dog and injured another.
They believe the coyote made its way in by hopping fences. Neighbors now are on edge. They say crime is a problem in their area, and now they have coyotes to worry about, especially with small pets.
Here are some tips according to the Humane Society on how you can keep your pets safe from coyotes:
- Keep pet food and water inside to avoid attracting coyotes to your yard
- Dogs (especially small dogs) should never be left unattended outside.
- Fences should be at least 6 feet tall and extend underground to deter coyotes from jumping them.
- You can also purchase roller pads for your fence that cause animals to slip.
- Spike vests are also available for dogs