UPDATE 3 P.M.: Entertainers from around Las Vegas paraded around 13 major hospitals in the valley to spread the word: Mask up for Nevada.
Greg Chase, parade co-organizer, said the message is important to save lives, protect front-line healthcare workers, and revive the Las Vegas entertainment industry.
"When someone complains about a piece of cloth, it's important that we put ourselves in the minds of the medical team and see that they're wearing suits. Spacesuits," Chase said.
The entertainer's livelihoods have been on the line since the pandemic began.
That's why showgirls, dancers, singers, and, dropping in from the air in a helicopter, Piff the Magic Dragon joined in on the parade.
"We're just waiting," he said. "We're waiting for it to be safe enough to get back and do shows. We miss you."
A study from the University of Washington's Institute of Health and Evaluation found that universal mask-wearing could reduce coronavirus cases by 80% in the United States by Nov. 1.
ORIGINAL STORY: Several Las Vegas area hospitals are teaming up for a #MaskUpNV parade on Thursday morning.
The goal is to shine a light on the importance of wearing a mask, the Southern Nevada healthcare community says, and to kick off a new PSA campaign for "Mask Up NV."
The parade is set to begin at 8 a.m. at Sunrise Hospital and will drive by 13 Las Vegas valley hospitals by the time it is complete.
You can watch the parade from Chopper 13 here or on our Facebook here.