Local NewsCoronavirus


Health District encourages safe and healthy celebrations this Labor Day weekend

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The Southern Nevada Health District is asking everyone to celebrate this Labor Day weekend by keeping their family and friends safe and healthy. It is important to continue to practice social distancing, wear face masks in public and when around people who are not members of the same household, and to get tested.
“We are encouraged by the decline in reports of cases and COVID-19 positivity rate,” said Dr. Fermin Leguen, Acting Chief Health Officer of the Southern Nevada Health District. “The progress we have made is a tribute to the actions of the individuals, families, and businesses that have taken steps to protect each other and our community as we continue to respond to COVID-19.”


COVID-19 is spread mainly through close contact with an infected person. People can be infected and spread the virus before they know they are sick. Parties, barbeques, and gatherings with larger groups of people can make it hard to keep a safe space between people in both indoor and outdoor settings. Social distancing, coupled with preventive measures such as wearing masks, frequent hand washing, and cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces, helps reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

If people decide to attend an event or small gathering, they can take steps to reduce their risk. This includes going out in public at off-peak hours to avoid crowds, avoid sitting or standing within 6 feet of people who don’t live in the same household, using disposable utensils, and avoiding self-serve food and drink options. Anyone who is sick, experiencing symptoms, or had contact with someone who has COVID-19 should stay home. Guests at events at private residences should wear masks when less than 6 feet apart from other people or indoors. If hosting a small event, consider providing masks for guests.
Additional Health District recommendations include:


Testing is recommended for both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. Testing is highly recommended for:

  • People with symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Anyone who has been in contact with someone who has a confirmed or possible case of COVID-19.
  • Anyone who was in a setting where they were exposed to a large crowd of people who were not wearing face coverings or maintaining social distancing.
  • Anyone planning to visit someone at high risk for COVID-19 illness, including people 65 years of age and older people with serious medical conditions. Selecting, Wearing, and Caring for Masks

Masks help to stop the spread of COVID-19 to others. Choose masks that:

  • Have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric.
  • Completely cover the nose and mouth.
  • Fit snugly against the sides of the face and don’t have gaps.
  • Are made of breathable fabric. (Don’t choose fabrics such as vinyl, for example.)
  • Don’t have exhalation valves or vents that allow virus particles to escape. Are non-medical masks. Save N95 respirators and surgical masks for health care professionals.

Gaiters and Face Shields: Evaluation is ongoing, and effectiveness is unknown at this time. Children: It is preferable to find a mask that is made specifically for children. If a mask sized for a child is not available, make sure the mask fits snugly over the nose and mouth and under the chin.

Do not put masks on children younger than 2 years old.

When removing masks:

  • Wash hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Remove the mask using the ear loops or untying the ties. Don’t touch the front of the mask or face. For masks with ties, untie the bottom ones first, then the top.
  • If using a mask with filters, discard the filters after each use and replace with new ones.
  • Place cloth mask in the laundry after each use.
  • Wash hands again after removing face coverings. Throw disposable masks away after use.

When cleaning masks:

  • Cloth masks should be washed regularly in the warmest recommend setting for the fabric used to make the mask. Disposable masks cannot be laundered or cleaned and should be thrown away after use.
  • After washing cloth masks, dry it in the dryer on a high heat setting.
  • If air drying, lay flat and allow to completely dry. If possible, place the mask in direct sunlight.
  • Store masks in a clean, dry place when not using them.