The city of Las Vegas has suspended sports field permits for three organizations. All were found to be in violation of the governor’s directives on safe play during the COVID-19 pandemic. The suspensions go into effect on Aug. 1, and run until Aug. 15. If these organizations use fields during this period, their permits will be suspended through the rest of the fall season. If, at a later date, these organizations are identified as violating the governor’s directives a second time, the consequence will be at the city manager’s discretion.
The violations of the governor’s directives include youth games being played, youth games being played under an adult league permit, spectators present at those games and no face coverings being worn where required. These violations were observed by city staff at Mike Morgan Family Park, Ed Fountain Park and Las Vegas Wash Park over the last week. The city has been monitoring field use in accordance with directives from the Governor’s Office. Under these orders, games are not allowed at this time, only team practices.
The permits being suspended are held by:
- Las Vegas Soccer League (Franco Soro)
- Las Vegas Valley Soccer League (Cristobal Mendez)
- Escuela De Futbol (Lorena Sanchez)
Certain leagues under these permits will be impacted, but not all necessarily. Participants or their parents should direct questions to the league offices to determine which leagues and teams are affected by the suspensions.
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The city of Las Vegas has taken the governor’s directives seriously and has worked to enforce those orders. Last week, an additional 100 compliance ambassadors were sent into the field to provide added eyes and ears for city enforcement officers. A group of those ambassadors were assigned to sports fields owned by the city. To report a sports field or business compliance violation, the public can send an email to