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Bundy jurors shown video of men firing assault rifles


The prosecution is expected to rest its case Tuesday in the trial of Ammon Bundy and six others who occupied an Oregon bird sanctuary last winter.
On Monday, prosecutors showed jurors a video of men using assault rifles to fire at a Malheur National Wildlife Refuge boat launch. FBI agents displayed evidence bags that contained more than 1,000 spent shell casings recovered from that area.
Assistant U.S Attorney Ethan Knight says the video shows the armed occupation was not a peaceful protest.
Bundy's attorney, Marcus Mumford, maintains that the firing of weapons is not an act of force. During his cross-examination, he asked FBI Special Agent Christopher Chew if anyone got shot at the refuge. Chew said no.
Bundy and his followers occupied the refuge for weeks last winter, demanding the government free two imprisoned ranchers and relinquish control of Western lands.