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Boulder City asking for input on proposed dog park

Boulder City Dog park.jpg

BOULDER CITY, Nev. (KTNV) — The City of Boulder Council and staff's goal is to satisfy the need for pets to get exercise without disrupting ongoing activities with a proposed dog park, according to the office of the city manager.

According to the Boulder City council members, the city is in the process of applying a turf removal program to cut down on irrigation.

For the dog park, officials are considering a .81-acre parcel of grass at the Veterans Memorial Park.

The city council and staff's goal is to satisfy the need for pets to get exercise.

"It's important the city seeks input from the community as this park is their park," said Taylour Tedder, City Manager. "It's important residents have the opportunity to share their feelings related to the size, appropriate location, and amenities they want to see in the park."

For more information, the city has launched a survey page at www.bcnv.org/dogpark to review and respond to the proposal. This survey will be open until August 14. The council will receive the result recommendations in September.