LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — It’s the first day of school for Clark County School District students and employees!
13 Action News Anchor Kelsey McFarland went back to her old stomping grounds, Foothill High School, to see how the Falcons are kicking off the new year.
She caught up with one of her former teachers, Mr. Frank Mini, who has been a teacher for 30 years. 22 of those years have been at Foothill. Mr. Mini is a government and history teacher with a memorable class filled with lots of learning and a little bit of fun.
Mr. Mini said his favorite part of teaching is sharing his subject with students.
“Its’ my love of history, and I think it’s so important because people take our republic and our democracy for granted. I think my subject really is the street-smart class, you try to learn from history,” he added.
Mr. Mini says his biggest challenge in teaching has been COVID-19 and the introduction of virtual learning. He enjoys debate and engaging with his class, which was difficult during full-time distance learning.
His advice for new teachers? Classroom management is first priority.
“Before you can teach them, you have to get their attention. I would say really concentrate on rules and procedures and disciplining with love, because you care and you want to be able to teach your class,” Mr. Mini said.