Morning Blend


Pelvic Pain Relief | 4/29/19

and last updated

Sadly, 30 million women suffer from chronic pelvic pain. The Female Pelvic Alchemy Program can help you get rid of those problems the natural way! To learn more, click here.
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Kegel exercises can help, Here are common mistakes to keep in mind:

1. Holding the Breath While Performing The Kegel Many women hold their breath while doing their Kegel exercises. Breath holding increases intrabdominal pressure putting excessive pressure and strain not only on the female organs but also on the pelvic floor muscles. This excessive breath holding can cause women to leak more and weakens the pelvic floor muscles.
Instead: Proper Kegel execution requires good breathing skills. All Kegel exercises should be done while exhaling or breathing normally. Many times many can coordinate the breath with the Kegel exercises and it's best if they count out loud. Proper breathing helps maintain the kegel contraction and ensures that the pelvic floor muscles don't get injured, weaken or strained. With proper Kegel breathing, women can get stronger faster.

2. Too Much Kegel Contraction & Not Enough Relaxation For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For Every Kegel there is Reverse Kegel. Many women overdo their Kegels and perform too reps without properly relaxing their muscles. This over contracting can lead to muscle exhaustion and the muscles lose their power and strength.
Instead: After every Kegel, all women should focus on consciously releasing their Kegel and letting go of Kegel contraction by doing a Reverse Kegel. The term"Reverse Kegel" was coin by me 10 years ago when I keep seeing women over overdoing their Kegels and not seeing great results. It's like doing biceps curls over and over again without fully relaxing the arm. Eventually, the arm will fatigue and give out. It might even get injured. Same thing with these muscles.

3. Over-Compensation With Gluteal, Thigh or Abdominal Muscles
When a woman is first starting out on a Kegel program and their muscles are weak other muscles compensate to make the Kegel happen. The body is wise and wants to help. The pelvic floor muscles are the center of our bodies and are connected to many body parts. When a woman is weak she will use her thigh muscles, the glutes, and the abdominals to get the Kegel to happen. This is normal and very similar to working out. A strong muscle will compensate for a weak muscle.
Instead: Women should focus on isolating the pelvic floor muscles by focusing on only contracting these muscles are the adjacent muscles. At first, this is hard to do but with practice isolating and contracting the pelvic floor muscles with a Kegel becomes easier.

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