Morning Blend


Findlay Automotive | 4/5/23

and last updated

Since 1996 Make-A-Wish of Southern Nevada has been granting life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, because they believe every child deserves a childhood, and Findlay Automotive Group has supported their mission for many years.

Tyler Corder, Findlay Automotive Group CFO, and Scott Rosenzweig, Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada CEO, joined us to discuss the many wishes remaining to be granted, and how people can help support the cause.

Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada is hosting a Walk for Wishes fundraiser on April 29 at Town Square Las Vegas. The fundraiser takes place on Make-A-Wish Day and celebrates more than 350,000 wishes that have already been granted, while raising funds for future wishes.

This segment is paid for by Findlay Automotive