Morning Blend


Alcon Systane | SYSTANE® Lubricant Eye Drops | 7/11/23


Between long days staring at your computer screen at the office and scrolling through social media, reports indicate that digital eye strain affects 6 out of 10 Americans and increases the likelihood of experiencing the irritating symptoms of dry eye.

Approximately 44 million Americans experience dry eye symptoms, which include itching, burning and even blurred vision, and these symptoms are often exacerbated by extended screen time. With American workers spending an average of 7 hours a day on digital devices, more and more people are experiencing dry eye symptoms. Identifying triggers like digital eye strain is the first step toward managing these bothersome dry eye symptoms.

Dr. Laura Periman, joined us to shares tips to help you get on a path to dry eye relief.

This segment is paid for by Alcon Systane and SYSTANE® Lubricant Eye Drops