MEET MY MOM 2021 | Shoutout to Las Vegas area moms ahead of Mother's Day

Love you mom!Donna Green
Kimberly Piper
I love you, mom! You mean the world to me!Trey Partch
My mama is the most fearless, hard-working and loving person on this planet. She raised my sister and me with no complaints and I hope to be at least half the woman like her. I love you, mama! Thank you for everything that you do <3Nadia Basich
Dina Rose shared this picture of her and her mother Marina Staccato. She says she is one in a million and invites everyone she meets to her home for some delicious food. Marina says she loves her mother very much and wants her to have a wonderful Mother's DayDina Rose/13 Action News viewer
Donna Brewer shared this picture of her mother Juanita Wiley (right). She says they laughed until they cried every time they saw each other before she passed at 94-years-old in 2019. Donna says she misses her mother every day. Donna Brewer/13 Action News viewer
Eric says this is his mom, Sue Rose. She lives in Westerly Rhode Island and the kindest, most caring and generous mother to all five of her kids and everyone else too. She was married to Eric's father for over 60 years until he passed in 2016. Eric says the family loves her very much. Eric Rose/13 Action News Viewer
"I’m wanting to express my love for my mother Sandra Stewart. She’s been a blessing in my life, and such a support for my goals. She’s a giving woman and always encouraging others." -- Joshua SolisJoshua Solis
"This is my mama and I on New Year's. She is the best. Not only my mom but my best friend. We would do anything for each other. Happy Mother’s Day, mama." -- Tracy PetraliaTracy Petralia
"My mom is the greatest and has always been there for me. Happy Mother's Day to Lisa, my mom, who is the #1 mom to me." -- LeighLeigh
"My mom is part of the Greatest Generation. She lived through WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and numerous other U.S. conflicts around the world." -- David FraleyDavid Fraley
"My mom is part of the Greatest Generation. She lived through WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and numerous other U.S. conflicts around the world." -- David FraleyDavid Fraley
Wendy Murillo and her two daughtersWendy Murillo
Her name is Laura Morrison. She is from Buenos Aires, ARG, she oves to dance the Argentine Tango, wind-surf, go sail-boating, camping, loves to plant and garden and SHE CAN COOK! The icing on top is that she has the best spirit I have ever seen! Yes, I'm partial because she's my mamma!!!! Zora Asberry
My mother's name is Karen Keeney she is a retired junior high teacher. She has her masters in English. Loves to go on trips to Sedona and enjoys making family breakfasts.Megan Keeney
This is my Mother, Norma Militante. Grandma to my twins. She is one of the most resilient, loving, and caring Mothers in the whole wide world. She is traditional, funny, clever, goofy, and the queen of bloopers. Feeling blessed to have her in our lives!Shiela Militante-Chin
My amazing mom with her million dollar smile. She is always wholeheartedly there for me. Welcome to Vegas looking forward to our great travel adventures.Yoly Zambra
Shelia Carr passed away shortly after hurricane Katrina but continues to inspire. As a school teacher living in a poor neighborhood, she refused to give up on the kids others easily discounted. I inherited her passion for writing and educating. Also, her drive to make the world more equal and just by speaking up for the less fortunate.CRYSTAL CARR
"This is my mom Ljubica Diltz and she is 93 years old. This was when she completed the last thing on her Bucket List and went on a hot air balloon ride with me, my daughter and my granddaughter. Four generations. My daughter and I were born here in Las Vegas and have lived here all our lives. My Mom is the best Mom ever." -- Brenda ShackeltonBrenda Shackelton
"This is my mom Ljubica Diltz and she is 93 years old. This was when she completed the last thing on her Bucket List and went on a hot air balloon ride with me, my daughter and my granddaughter. Four generations. My daughter and I were born here in Las Vegas and have lived here all our lives. My Mom is the best Mom ever." -- Brenda ShackeltonBrenda Shackelton
This is my mom Olga Chebanenko. She died when I was 12 but taught me everything I know about working hard and spreading love and always speaking your truth. She is my hero for making sacrifices she made so I could have a better life.DANNY CHEBANENKO/KTNV PRODUCER
One of 6 children, Vena Foster says her mom has 25 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren that all adore her and wish her the best Mother's Day. Vena Foster
Matt sent in this picture of his wife, Kimberly, with her mom, Grace and wants to wish them a Happy Mother’s Day!Matt Rudolph
My name is Jenna V and this picture is of me and my mom on her birthday April 13th she turned 45 years old she's been really sick multiple surgeries and we just wanted to make it really special for her and she loved it having my grandparents my stepdad me and my mom is awesomeJENNA V
This is my Mom, Carol! She is the epitome of unconditionally love, has the BIGGEST heart of anyone I know, and is my best friend. Thanks for always being my biggest cheerleader!! YOU are #1!! I love you so much, Mama!! MICHELE LUCAS
I would like to introduce to you and honor my mother, Dora Middleton. She is such a bright light to all her friends and family. Over the years she has been an avid volunteer and always goes out of her way to help others. She enjoys sharing great recipes with her friends and family. She also loves growing beautiful flowers. I just want to honor her and thank her for being such a wonderful mother! — Tish Middleton
My mom has always been there for me and countless others !! She puts others before herself always. Even though I am 50+ I am still her baby. My mom is my best friend and I will always strive to be like her. I love you mom !!!
I love you mom!!! — Jackie MartindaleJACKIE MARTINDALE
I love you mom!!! — Jackie MartindaleJACKIE MARTINDALE
This is me, Jacarah Farris, and my mom, Brenda Similton. My mom is special because she has a good heart, works hard and is also an author of children’s books. Her latest book on Amazon is entitled, “Lilly and the virus”and her previous book is “The adventures of Lilly the butterfly”. I am so proud of my mom and I love her very much.JACARAH FARRIS
My Mother is A Beacon, A Beam, A Bright Light that Shines The Love of GOD On The World! She is an example of Proverbs 31:"Her Children arise up and call Her Blessed; Her Husband also, and He Praiseth Her!! Love is Everlasting and so is My Love for My Mom!!!KIMADA SHABAZZ