A number of organizations and individuals have graciously provided support to Cure 4 The Kids Foundation -- Nevada’s only pediatric cancer treatment center -- to help meet the challenges of providing treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Donations included:
Southwest Injury Law and Nevada Contractors Association have each provided 500 N95 masks.
The “Mask Posse,” made up of several members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), donated 100 homemade masks.
Volunteers of Project Imagine, which includes individuals whose children were treated at the clinic, donated 100 homemade masks.
Additional financial support was provided to the foundation by:
- Corey Frey, Frey Insurance and Benefits, LLC - $1,000
- Findlay Kia - $2,000
- Wayne & Catherine Laska - $1,000
- Southwest Injury Law - $1,000
For food, Albertson’s, located near Charleston Boulevard and Town Center, provided groceries for the Cure 4 The Kids Foundation Commissary. The in-house market helps keep clinic staff healthy by providing food and household items so staff members can avoid traveling to grocery and retail stores.
Lunches for the entire clinic have been generously provided by:
California Pizza Kitchen
Rachel’s Kitchen
Best Hummus Ever
Kya’s Smiles Foundation
Groups or individuals interested in assisting Cure 4 The Kids Foundation through in-kind donations or financial support can learn more at cure4thekids.org or by emailing info@cure4thekids.org.