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Nevada 4-H offering at-home and virtual summer activities

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The Nevada 4-H Youth Development Program has developed a variety of activities to engage 4-H youth throughout the state during the summer months.

Beginning in June, Nevada 4-H will launch an eight-week animal science-related project, focused on animal by-products. Youth don’t have to be participating in an animal science project already to participate in this project; they just need to have an interest in learning about animals.

The program blends online and at-home learning, with lessons and activities focused on learning about beef, dairy, goats, sheep, swine, poultry, rabbits and bees.

A week-long project called “Engineering and Design at Home” will be offered June 15-19 for 11- to 15-year-old students will be challenged to develop a purposeful/useful artifact from reclaimed materials, while exploring their creative abilities and reducing their consumption and waste production. The week will include online learning and sharing sessions, and participants will need to dedicate about three hours a day to creating their project.

Participants will share their completed projects with each other, friends and family online via a Zoom session at the end of the week, and awards in various categories will be presented.

Also June 15-19, the 4-H Pledge Challenge will take place, where 4-H youth will post photos and/or writings each day on the ways they are exhibiting the four “Hs” during the pandemic: Heart (things they are doing to show love and generosity), Head (creative ways they are overcoming challenges), Hands (things they are doing to help others), Health (ways they are staying healthy).

More projects are in the works for July, including a Virtual Camp Out, a State Communications Contest, a Monday Night Dinner activity and more.

For more information on Nevada 4-H’s summer programs for youth, contact your local Extension office or nevada4h@unce.unr.edu. Or, in northern Nevada email sarahc@unr.edu, and in southern Nevada email lunan@unr.edu.