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Expert advice on distance learning for parents and students

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Heading back to school will now be just a click of a button away for many students. It's a new process of learning.

Many parents will have to juggle working while helping their kids learn remotely. So there's a lot of anxiety for parents and kids about learning remotely this fall. Experts are sharing some tips on how you and your kids can navigate the challenges of distance learning.


Family physician, Dr. Deborah Gilboa says, parents should come up with a solid strategy to get kids mentally prepared like creating a routine.

"Give kids things they can count on that they know will happen. There is a lot of uncertainty this year," she said, "so figure out what they can be certain about - like the fact that every morning before school starts to matter if they're going to their bedroom or to a school."

"Give them a kiss or a hug and tell them you wish them a great day," she added. "That's an anchor moment that you can give your child no matter what the rest of the day looks like. "


Dr. Gilboa says parents also need to have an increased awareness of the red flags of stress in children.

Some of the signs the kids are overwhelmed are physical complaints like a headache or stomach ache or fatigue.

If you noticed a big change in their attitude, attention span, eating or sleeping habits, those are all signs that your child is dealing with something they don't know how to deal with.


Experts say talking to your child about what they're feeling can help ease the worry.

"One of the most important lessons parents can teach our kids this year is that different doesn't have to be bad," explained Gilboa.


Another advice for parents: "Me time" is very important.

Keep things simple and manageable, and focus only on things you can control.