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Clark County Parks to offer second van to host more 'In It Together SNV' dance parties

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LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Starting today, the Clark County Department of Parks and Recreation will have a second van hitting local streets to bring more driveway dance parties to Southern Nevada residents who are enjoying the popular program as part of the “In It Together SNV” initiative.

Hours of operation also are changing to two shifts – 10 a.m. to noon and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, to avoid the hottest part of the day.

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The vans come equipped with a public address system, a DJ and some accompanying staff. During visits, a song or two is played and residents are encouraged to wave to their neighbors and show off their dance moves all while staying home and maintaining a safe distance apart.

Residents can step outside their front doors to their porches, patios or front yards, or stay inside and join in by demonstrating support through their living room windows.

During visits, the dance mobile parks briefly in a safe spot on a neighborhood street or driveway and plays music and move on. Residents are asked to stay on their own property while enjoying the activity and not follow the van as it moves through a neighborhood.

Participating neighborhoods are encouraged to share videos and photos with the In It Together SNV website or post them on social media sites using campaign hashtags #InItTogetherSNV and #StayStrong.

Additionally, photos and stories of locals doing inspiring things to in response to COVID-19 can be emailed to the website for sharing on its “In It Together Highlights & Submissions” page at ContactUs@InItTogetherSNV.com.