Stay Well by Choice, Not by Chance with an Annual Comprehensive Visit


You do not have to be sick to see your primary care provider. In fact, one of the easiest ways to stay healthy is to schedule a once-a-year annual comprehensive wellness visit. Through conversation, screenings and goal setting, your provider will help you take control of your health and plan for your future wellbeing.

At P3, we believe the comprehensive visit is one of the most important exams you will have with your primary care provider.

When your provider has an accurate understanding of your past medical history along with test and screening data from when you are healthy, it makes it easier to see what is not in your normal range when you are not feeling well.

Why is My Annual Comprehensive Visit So Important?

Your annual comprehensive visit is the most important medical exam will have each year because it gives your primary care provider information he or she needs to help you better manage your care. During the visit, your provider will evaluate any existing illnesses or chronic diseases you may have, review medications you currently taking and identify risk factors that can help you prevent future health issues.

There are many other reasons to schedule your annual exam, which include:

1. Spending uninterrupted time with your provider to talk about how you are doing and ask your healthcare questions.

2. Setting wellness goals, like maintaining your mobility, losing weight or quitting smoking and develop a plan to achieve them.

3. Discovering health problems while they are minor and manageable. When conditions are caught early, you have more treatment options that can help you maintain your quality of life and reach your goals.

4. Focusing on maintaining your wellness, not just treating an illness or chronic condition.

What to Expect?

During a typical annual comprehensive visit your provider may:

  • Get to know you and your health history, medications and care team.
  • Give a personalized health risk assessment.
  • Review/manage ongoing and new medical issues.
  • Provide referrals for preventative screenings.
  • Develop a plan of care for the upcoming year.

Preparing for Your Visit

Before your visit, prepare a list of any prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and the names and contact information of any additional health providers or specialists you currently see. This will give your provider a starting point in understanding your medical history.

Comprehensive visits can be done in the clinic or virtually in the comfort of your own home. All you will need is a smart phone or a computer with a camera and video function. You will receive an email and text message with a link that will allow you to directly connect to your provider without having to download or install anything on your device. At the time of your appointment, click on the email or text link to engage in a video visit with your provider.

Looking for a primary care provider? Medicare’s Annual Election period, which runs now through December 7, is a good time to make sure you are getting the care you deserve.

For more information contact P3 Health Partners Nevada at (702) 333-4700 or visit